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John Dodd – A life in Games

Writing Credits

Hogshead and Cubicle 7


SLA Industries Cannibal Sector 1 (2007, not 2019)

SLA Industries Contract Directory

SLA Industries Hunter Sheets Issue One – Two characters

SLA Industries Hunter Sheets Issue Two – Two characters

SLA Industries Line Developer – 2006 to 2007




Achtung Cthulhu - A Light on the Mountains

Homeworld Quickstart Guide and two adventures in the main book.


Primal Atom


Main Rulebook – Primary Writer

Upcoming scenarios (3) – Primary Writer


Independent Roleplaying Magazine


At least two scenarios or articles in every issue.


Convention Support


Team 8 – 1998 – 2012


I ran a team of GMs that would travel to different conventions and provide professional GMing services for the conventions.  We numbered between 8 (inception) and 34 (as of 2012).  The conventions that we went to included.


Gencon UK                 L-Con                                      Nottscon         SLAcon (1&2)

Conpulsion                  UK Games Expo                     Dragonmeet


UK Games Expo – 2008 to Present


I started as the RPG manager after Team 8 came in to assist in the early days of the Expo and made my way up from there to Floor Manager and now Front of House.  I have been responsible for cosplay, volunteer organisation, RPG allocation and organisation, organised play, and tournaments.  I have a proven record of delivery at conventions and can provide references to my capability.


Wyntercon – 2014  to 2016


I was brought on board to Wyntercon before the first show and provided consultancy and assistance with several of the areas as well as providing assistance to the director on matters of convention running, volunteers, and setup.  I came up with the convention slogan, used to this day, and I stepped back from active assistance in 2016 when it was well established.


Longcon/Volcon – 2015 to Present


I took Longcon from concept to execution in 2015 and since expanded it to include Volcon, which gives a little back to all the volunteers who offer their time freely for the other conventions.


Dragonmeet – 2015 to Present


I came on board with Dragonmeet when Modiphius took over the running of it, having run RPGs at the convention since it was brought back. We’ve built it from a convention with several hundred to one with more than two and a half thousand.  I started out as the floor manager and have now taken position as one of the Directors of the show.  We now have several live tracks of events and have more than tripled the number of games available from when we took over. 


Airecon – 2015 to Present


I was brought on board as RPG manager when Airecon first came to prominence and while Airecon is primarily a board games convention, we’ve managed to grow a substantial RPG section. 


Eastercon – 2018 to Present


Eastercon is the British National Science Fiction Convention, I came to assist them following attending the convention in 2017, and was the primary MIMO (Move in, Move Out) co-ordinator and mapper for the 2018 convention.  I worked Operations in 2019, and am now the Ops committee member at the 2020 and 2021 conventions.


Worldcon – 2019


I was one of two MIMO area heads at Worldcon Dublin, I also acted as the Ops supervisor for the second site, Point Square, throughout the con, and was awarded a Dublin Hero medal for my efforts across the convention.

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